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Saint John's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Middletown, Co. Armagh


2016/2017 School Year

19th Dec 2016
We are delighted that the community library van is now visiting our school every...
19th Dec 2016
P2 had a fantastic visit to Mrs Margaret Murphy’s chickens. The children...
19th Dec 2016
Primary two did a superb Advent assembly in the second week of Advent and helped...
21st Nov 2016
From 15 th to 23 rd October all the boys and girls in St John’s celebrated...
11th Nov 2016
P6 and P7 girls are keeping fit with circuits training every Tuesday evening. The...
4th Nov 2016
The American Presidential elections took second place to our elections for school...
27th Oct 2016
The boys and girls in P.1 had lots of fun making Halloween crafts and treats!
27th Oct 2016
Congratulations to all the P1 girls and boys on their superb Assembly today. The...
27th Sep 2016
Primary 6 celebrated the beginning of the new school year with their class assembly...