Alta Maths Movers
At St John’s PS. we acknowledge the role that you as parents/guardians, play in helping your children develop an understanding of mathematical concepts. One way this can be done is by using the ALTA maths system at home. ALTA maths is an online maths system which asks the children questions in each area of maths and then gives them instant feedback on their progress and achievements. Classes from P4 - P7 use ALTA maths.
Pupils can also practice on the ALTA maths system at home by logging on to Alta Math link in the Games Zone on our school website and entering their unique login and password details.
Children will only be able to complete practice questions at home but will take assessment level tests in school at regular intervals. Once a child has achieved an assessment level their name will be added to the ‘Alta Maths Movers’chart and they will be entered into a prize draw at the end of each term. If you require any further information please contact your class teacher.
Saint John's Primary School and Nursery Unit, 14 Rathrillick Road, Middletown, Co. Armagh BT60 4HT
Telephone: (028) 37 568462 |