C2k Adobe Express Competition
Congratulations to all the boys and girls in St. John’s who took part in the C2k NewsDesk competition, designing a book cover using Adobe Express. The original ideas and creativity displayed was amazing. Well done everyone!
From over 2000 entries our school had 2 entries shortlisted in the top 10.
Aoife Connolly’s, “The Tiger Who Taught in School” and Seanie Trainor’s “Journal of Gerry the Squirrel.”
A fabulous achievement for both pupils and certainly books we would all like to read. Budding authors and illustrators in the making.
Other superb entries from Aoife, Leah and Leanne P7, Lily P6, Suzy P5 and Cassie P4 are also showcased on the NewsDesk.
You can view all their fantastic work on the C2k NewsDesk and vote for which book you would like to read.
Saint John's Primary School and Nursery Unit, 14 Rathrillick Road, Middletown, Co. Armagh BT60 4HT
Telephone: (028) 37 568462 | info@stjohns.middletown.ni.sch.uk