Flahavan's NI Primary Schools Cross Country Finals 2025 Success!
28th Feb 2025
What a day the school Cross Country girls team had today! After qualifying for the Primary Schools Cross Country Finals a few weeks ago following their successes in the previous rounds, the girls went one step further today competing in the Finals with 17 schools from across Northern Ireland on a great day out at Mallusk Playing Fields. The girls were among 150 girls competing in the finals and put in a stellar performance finishing in 2nd place on a long, tough course! These girls have kept working hard and rising to any challenges they faced training through the winter and this achievement is testament to that, continually improving as the season has went on and fully deserve this accolade! Well done girls!
Saint John's Primary School and Nursery Unit, 14 Rathrillick Road, Middletown, Co. Armagh BT60 4HT
Telephone: (028) 37 568462 | info@stjohns.middletown.ni.sch.uk