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Saint John's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Middletown, Co. Armagh


2016/2017 School Year

19th Jun 2017
On Friday 9 th of June pupils from P1, P3 and P4 visited Newry Fun House for their...
7th Jun 2017
Well done to all our pupils who participated in the sponsored walk for Action MS...
31st May 2017
Primary 2 pupils had a wonderful time on their recent visit to the Argory for their...
4th May 2017
Congratulations to the P3 girls and boys who participated in Roots of Empathy this...
5th Apr 2017
Last week Primary 2 visited the Armagh Museum. The girls and boys got an insight...
16th Mar 2017
Yesterday, Primary 5 celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a superb assembly....
16th Mar 2017
Over the past few weeks P3 pupils have been learning about the history of toys and...
6th Feb 2017
Primary 3 celebrated the life of St. Brigid with a captivating assembly. Through...
21st Dec 2016
Our school Carol Service took place in Saint John's Chapel on Monday 19th...
19th Dec 2016
Primary two planted some daffodil bulbs in our school grounds. Hopefully we will...